6 Key Project Goals Ordered From Greatest to Least
The most important thing about this is teaching programmers. No one cares about the junk that follows. This project should be focused on being a valuable learning tool.
We believe in the community. By documenting the operating system to a considerable level of detail, we encourage the community to point out any flaws or bugs in the design or code!
The design of this operating system aims to be simple and modular, while still maintining decent performance.
LiquiDOS wants to minimize the amount of user-induced viral infections, and the hackability of the operating system.
The operating system aims to be easy to use for regular day to day users, while still allowing developers to do their mumbo jumbo.
Back then, an operating system would be either developer friendly, or user friendly (Mac vs Linux). But this project aims to compensate for both seamlessly.
This is a description
We believe in good documentation. All our documentation should be easily found, and easily organized. There should be no confusion while reading the documentation, as documentations were supposed to clear any confusion in the first place.
This entire project is open source, meaning the source code is there for you to browse and see. However, it is licensed under the MIT license, which means you must adhere to the licence terms when you are using the code. Also, if you find a bug, please report it! Your help is much appreciated.
The most asked question I get (and probably many hobbyist operating system developers) asked is "Why are you wasting your time on this?" I personally belive that most, if not all software programmers should try a go at OSDevving, because you learn a lot. However, the research portion of the task is very time consuming, but can very rewarding as well. So, LiquiDOS was a result of curiosity, and a person with too much time to waste.
Currently, there is only one person working on the project, and that is me, the awesome Kevin. Now, I would LOVE if anyone else shared the passion for hobbyist OSDevving (operating system development), and would like to contribute to the project somehow. You can join by emailing me, but if you just want to make minor code changes, for the respository on GitHub, and create a pull request. Again, I would LOVE if anyone currently is looking for something to do, and would like to contribute to this project!